
Saturday 17 September 2016

Free Home Remedies for Sweaty Palms and Feet

Here are the top 10 home remedies for sweaty palms and feet.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

One of the most effective home remedies to deal with sweaty palms and feet is apple cider vinegar.
It has natural astringent properties that help control excessive sweating by keeping the pores tight. Also, when taken internally, apple cider vinegar helps balance the body’s pH level.
Plus, apple cider vinegar boosts your body’s metabolism to fight obesity, one of the reasons behind hyperhidrosis.
  • Rinse the area that sweats the most with lukewarm water. Then, use a cotton ball to apply some raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar on the area. Leave it on overnight. The next morning, take a bath or shower and then apply some baby powder. In case you have sensitive skin then mix dilute the apple cider vinegar with an equal amount of water and then apply.
  • Alternatively, make a solution by mixing equal parts of apple cider vinegar and rosewater. Apply it on the affected area 2 or 3 times a day.
  • Also, you can add 1 to 2 teaspoons of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar and a little honey to a glass of lukewarm water and drink it twice daily.

2. Cornstarch

Another home remedy to deal with hyperhidrosis is cornstarch. It works as a natural antiperspirant, which helps absorb moisture and neutralize any unpleasant odor.
Plus, as cornstarch is easy enough to carry around with you, it is also a convenient option for people who travel a lot.
  1. Mix equal amounts of cornstarch and baking soda and store it in an old talcum powder bottle.
  2. Remove excess sweat from the areas where you perspire most profusely with some tissue or paper towel.
  3. Dust some of this mixture onto the areas.
  4. Use this simple remedy as needed.

3. Lemon Juice

Lemon is another simple and readily available home remedy for treating sweaty hands as well as feet. It works as a natural deodorant.
Plus, lemon helps eliminate bacteria and keeps you smelling nice and fresh.
  • Squeeze the juice out of a fresh lemon into 1 teaspoon of baking soda and mix it up into a smooth paste. Apply it on the areas where you sweat most profusely. Wait 10 minutes, then rinse off the paste. Repeat once daily.
  • Alternatively, add the juice of 1 lemon to a cup of water. Soak a washcloth in it and rub it all over your body. Leave it on for 20 minutes, then take a bath or shower. Do this once daily.
  • Another option is to sprinkle some salt on a piece of lemon and gently rub it on the affected area until the area becomes dry. This remedy slows down the activity of the sweat glands.
Note: Do not go out in the sun immediately after using lemon juice, as it temporarily causes your skin to become more sensitive to ultraviolet light.

4. Witch Hazel

The astringent and antiperspirant properties in witch hazel help control excessive sweating.
The tannic acid in it closes the pores, which inhibits excess sweating. It can be safely applied to all areas of the body prone to excessive sweating.
  • Soak a cotton ball in witch hazel liquid extract and rub it gently on the areas where sweating is excessive. Do this 2 or 3 times daily, or as needed.
  • Alternatively, mix 1 tablespoon of witch hazel bark powder with a little water to form a paste. Apply the paste on the affected areas and allow it to sit for 1 hour. Rinse off the paste using cold water. Repeat this treatment daily for 1 to 2 weeks.
Note: Do not use witch hazel remedies for more than a couple of weeks, as it may cause over-dryness.

5. Tomatoes

The cooling and astringent properties of tomatoes can also help control the problem of sweaty hands and palms.
Being a natural astringent, tomatoes help shrink pores and block the ducts that secrete sweat. Even drinking tomato juice can help lower the body temperature, which in turn will reduce sweating.
  • Simply cut a good-sized slice of tomato and rub it over the areas of your body where you are experiencing excessive sweating.
  • Alternatively, apply freshly extracted tomato juice on the sweaty parts of your body and leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse it off with lukewarm water. Do it once daily.
  • Also, you can drink 1 cup of fresh tomato juice daily for a week, and slowly reduce the dosage to 1 cup every other day for another week.

6. Activated Charcoal

You can also try activated charcoal to deal with the problem of sweaty hands and feet. Activated charcoal can absorb moisture from the body, thus preventing excessive sweating.
Simply consume 1 teaspoon of activated charcoal with a glass of warm water in the morning on an empty stomach.
If you experience pain and vomiting after taking activated charcoal on an empty stomach, have it after eating your dinner.
Note: Do not use activated charcoal if you suffer from intestinal problems. Also, keep it away from children and pets.

7. Black Tea

The ordinary black tea that you often drink in the morning is also an effective remedy for hyperhidrosis.
Black tea is rich in tannins that have astringent qualities. This means it can effectively block the pores and prevent excess sweat from seeping out.
Additionally, tannins help keep the body temperature cool, thus reducing the chance of excessive sweating
  • Hold moist tea bags in your palms for 5 minutes. Do this 2 or 3 times a day.
  • Alternatively, make a large bowl of weak black tea using used tea bags. Allow it to cool, then soak your hands or feet for 30 minutes, twice daily.
  • Also, do not forget to drink 2 to 3 cups of black tea every day.

8. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is another effective remedy for hyperhidrosis. It aids in controlling excessive sweating due to its natural astringent property.
Plus, its antifungal properties can reduce the risk of fungal infections caused by too much moisture.
  1. Add 4 or 5 drops of tea tree oil to a bowl of lukewarm water.
  2. Dip a cotton ball in this solution and rub it onto the affected areas of your body.
  3. Repeat 2 or 3 times a day.
Note: Before applying tea tree oil on your skin, always do a spot test on a small patch of skin. This is important as some people may be sensitive to this essential oil.

 9. Sage

Another natural remedy that has strong astringent properties is sage. In fact, it is an age-old remedy for treating sweaty hands. It helps dry up the excess oils and prevents excessive sweating.
Plus, sage tea is rich in vitamin B and magnesium, which help reduce overactivity in the sweat glands.
  • Put 2 or 3 sage tea bags in a large bowl of water. Cover and allow it to steep for 15 to 20 minutes. Soak your sweaty hands in this water for 20 to 30 minutes, 1 or 2 times daily. Similarly, you can soak your sweaty feet in sage-infused water.
  • In addition, drink a cup of warm sage tea on an empty stomach every morning for maximum benefits. To make the tea, add 1 tablespoon of fresh or dried sage leaves to a cup of hot water and let it steep for 5 minutes. Strain it, then add lemon juice and honey for taste.
  • Also, include this herb in your daily cooking whenever possible.
Note: Drinking too much sage tea may cause a headache.

10. Eat Magnesium-Rich Foods

One of the causes of sweaty palms and feet can be a deficiency of magnesium in the body. Magnesium helps control sweat gland activity to prevent excessive sweating. It also neutralizes odor-producing chemicals.
Hence, to control sweating, first get your magnesium level checked by a doctor. If you have low magnesium, eat more foods rich in magnesium.
Some magnesium-rich foods are almonds, avocados, bananas, beans, pumpkin seeds, blackstrap molasses, tofu, soy milk, cashews, pecans, walnuts, potatoes with skin, yogurt, whole grains and green leafy vegetables.
You can opt to take magnesium citrate supplements (400 mg). However, consult your doctor before taking any supplements.
Additional Tips
  • Soaking your hands and feet in cold water for 30 to 45 minutes can provide relief from excessive sweating for several hours.
  • Frequent application of talcum powder on the hands and feet can help reduce excess sweat.
  • Take a regular bath or shower to get rid of bacteria. Remember to scrub and clean your feet, rather than just splashing water on them.
  • Use over-the-counter antiperspirants on the affected areas.
  • Make sure to dry your feet thoroughly after bathing, especially between the toes.
  • Wear shoes and socks made from natural materials.
  • From time to time, allow your feet to breathe by removing your shoes and socks.
  • Change your socks daily.
  • Carry paper towels so you can wipe off your hands when you need to.
  • Avoid getting too hot in the first place, if possible.
  • Drink enough water throughout the day to stay cool and hydrated.
  • Don’t use items that cause more sweating to occur, such as gloves, mittens and other items that cover your hands.
  • Avoid petroleum-based lotions and skin products.
  • Stay calm and relaxed, as excessive perspiration is often triggered by anxiety and stress.
  • Spicy foods are known to trigger excessive sweating, so stay away from such foods.




Most aubergines are teardrop-shaped and have a glossy purple skin. On the inside, they are spongy and creamy white. Aubergines grow on bushes and are really fruits - although you wouldn't want to eat them raw. Australians and Americans call it eggplant because some types look a bit like large eggs!
- See more at:
Granny Smith, Royal Gala, Golden Delicious and Pink Lady are just a few of the thousands of different kinds of apple that are grown around the world! You can make dried apple rings at home - ask an adult to help you take out the core, thinly slice the apple and bake the rings in the oven at a low heat. - See more at:
Granny Smith, Royal Gala, Golden Delicious and Pink Lady are just a few of the thousands of different kinds of apple that are grown around the world! You can make dried apple rings at home - ask an adult to help you take out the core, thinly slice the apple and bake the rings in the oven at a low heat. - See more at:
Granny Smith, Royal Gala, Golden Delicious and Pink Lady are just a few of the thousands of different kinds of apple that are grown around the world! You can make dried apple rings at home - ask an adult to help you take out the core, thinly slice the apple and bake the rings in the oven at a low heat.
- See more at:
Granny Smith, Royal Gala, Golden Delicious and Pink Lady are just a few of the thousands of different kinds of apple that are grown around the world! You can make dried apple rings at home - ask an adult to help you take out the core, thinly slice the apple and bake the rings in the oven at a low heat.
- See more at:
Granny Smith, Royal Gala, Golden Delicious and Pink Lady are just a few of the thousands of different kinds of apple that are grown around the world! You can make dried apple rings at home - ask an adult to help you take out the core, thinly slice the apple and bake the rings in the oven at a low heat.
- See more at:
Granny Smith, Royal Gala, Golden Delicious and Pink Lady are just a few of the thousands of different kinds of apple that are grown around the world! You can make dried apple rings at home - ask an adult to help you take out the core, thinly slice the apple and bake the rings in the oven at a low heat.
- See more at:
Granny Smith, Royal Gala, Golden Delicious and Pink Lady are just a few of the thousands of different kinds of apple that are grown around the world! You can make dried apple rings at home - ask an adult to help you take out the core, thinly slice the apple and bake the rings in the oven at a low heat.
- See more at:
Granny Smith, Royal Gala, Golden Delicious and Pink Lady are just a few of the thousands of different kinds of apple that are grown around the world! You can make dried apple rings at home - ask an adult to help you take out the core, thinly slice the apple and bake the rings in the oven at a low heat.
- See more at:
Granny Smith, Royal Gala, Golden Delicious and Pink Lady are just a few of the thousands of different kinds of apple that are grown around the world! You can make dried apple rings at home - ask an adult to help you take out the core, thinly slice the apple and bake the rings in the oven at a low heat.
- See more at:
Granny Smith, Royal Gala, Golden Delicious and Pink Lady are just a few of the thousands of different kinds of apple that are grown around the world! You can make dried apple rings at home - ask an adult to help you take out the core, thinly slice the apple and bake the rings in the oven at a low heat.
- See more at:
Granny Smith, Royal Gala, Golden Delicious and Pink Lady are just a few of the thousands of different kinds of apple that are grown around the world! You can make dried apple rings at home - ask an adult to help you take out the core, thinly slice the apple and bake the rings in the oven at a low heat.
- See more at:

10 Healthy Fruits You Can Take Up With Water

Here are 10 healthy things you can add to water to make it taste even better.

1. Lemon

To overcome the boring taste of plain water, lemon is one ingredient that can add a new flavor to it. The tangy taste and the nice lemon fragrance are generally liked by all.
Apart from making your water tasty, lemon is good for your health. It is an excellent source of several nutrients, such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron and vitamins A, C and B-complex as well as pectin, fiber, and carbohydrates.
Lemon contains cancer-fighting properties and also is good for losing weight, keeping your heart healthy, preventing kidney stones, boosting the immune system, balancing your body’s pH level and so on.
It is easy to make lemon-infused water and takes little time, as lemon releases its flavor almost immediately. Plus, you can take this infused water with you and sip it all day as a delicious hydrating treat.
  1. Fill a large jug with filtered water.
  2. Cut 2 lemons into thin slices and add them to the water.
  3. Add some fresh mint leaves or thin ginger slices (optional).
  4. Add some ice cubes as well.
  5. Refrigerate it for about 2 to 3 hours, then drink it as needed.

2. Watermelon

A popular thirst quencher, watermelon is a favorite among all age groups. This refreshing and delicious fruit has all the factors to enhance the taste of plain water.
This fruit is made up of 92 percent water and the essential rehydrating salt, calcium and magnesium levels in it makes it ideal for preventing dehydration. This summertime staple is also a good source of potassium and vitamins A and C. Its rich nutritional profile means it is also immensely good for your health.
Apart from keeping the body hydrated, watermelon intake can even control high blood pressure, reduce body fat, improve eye health, keep the kidneys healthy and improve your mood.

  1. Fill a mason jar with cool water.
  2. Cut watermelon into thick pieces and remove the seeds.
  3. Gently put the watermelon pieces in the jar.
  4. Add some basil leaves to add an amazing freshness.
  5. Keep the jar in the refrigerator for 2 to 3 hours.
  6. After drinking the infused water, you can also snack on the watermelon.

3. Cucumber

Cucumber is another water-rich fruit that you can add to plain water to enhance its taste. Composed of 96 percent water, it contains no fat or cholesterol and is very high in nutritional value.
It is a good source of vitamins K and B6, iron, copper, amino acids, carbohydrates, fiber, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, biotin and silica.
Cucumber makes a great addition to any weight-loss diet, as it fills you up and helps you feel more satisfied. Among its many health benefits, it lowers blood pressure, prevents cancer, fights aging, improves skin health and boosts brain health, to name a few.
  1. Peel a cucumber and cut it into ½-inch slices.
  2. Add the slices to a jar filled with water.
  3. Immediately add ice cubes to prevent the cucumber slices from floating.
  4. Allow the infusion process to take place overnight in the refrigerator.
  5. After drinking the infused water, you can even eat the cucumber slices if you like.
Note: Make sure to drink this cucumber water within a day.

4. Oranges

So fresh and citrusy, oranges are one of the most popular juicy fruits that you can use to add flavor to plain water. After infusing orange in the water, it will have the sweetness of orange juice but without the added sugar. Also, it will have a tangy flavor and an uplifting smell.
The taste of this flavored water is so refreshing that it will soon replace your favorite soft drinks or commercial fruit juice.
This juicy fruit is packed with vitamins A, B and C, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and dietary fiber. Oranges provide many health benefits, including boosting immunity, rejuvenating skin, lowering cholesterol, improving heart health, protecting vision and protecting against arthritis, to name a few.
  1. Peel an orange and separate the segments.
  2. Put the orange segments in a glass jar or pitcher.
  3. Add the juice of a lemon and a few mint leaves for added flavor.
  4. Fill up the rest of a jar with water and ice.
  5. Allow the jar to chill in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.
  6. Drink it whenever you feel like having a refreshing drink.

5. Pineapple

Pineapple is a tropical fruit with a distinctive sweet and tart taste that can make boring water into a refreshing drink. Pineapple-infused water will quench your thirst like nothing else on a hot summer day.
This tropical fruit is also a storehouse of nutrients, such as vitamins A and C, thiamin, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese and folate.
Eating pineapple is known to help reduce inflammation, aid detoxification, relieve joint and arthritis pain, benefit digestion, boost immunity and also provide energy to your body without adding too many calories.
  1. Fill a large jar with water.
  2. Add 2 cups of pineapple cut into small pieces.
  3. Add some fresh, crushed mint leaves as well.
  4. Infuse in the refrigerator for 8 hours or overnight.
  5. Enjoy this delicious drink.

6. Green Tea

Health-conscious people are switching to green tea for a healthier body and mind. You can use green tea to give boring water a flavor boost to ensure you get your recommended ounces per day.
This healthy and delicious beverage has many powerful benefits due to its significant antiviral, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticavity properties. Drinking tea can help lower blood sugar levels, boost metabolism, fight obesity, reduce cholesterol, prevent cancer and improve oral health, to name a few of the health benefits.
  1. Brew 1 to 2 cups of green tea and allow it to cool.
  2. Put the green tea in an ice cube tray and put in the freezer.
  3. Pour cool water into a jar and add some mint leaves or thin ginger slices.
  4. Put the jar in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  5. When you need to drink water, fill ¾ of a glass with water from the jar.
  6. Add 2 cubes of green tea and a little lemon juice to the glass.
  7. Enjoy your refreshing drink any time of the day.

7. Strawberries

To quench your thirst without boring plain water, strawberry-infused water is another good option. The mild sweetness and nice taste of strawberries will turn water into a magical delight. Also, it smells as good as it tastes.
Strawberries are a perfect treat for staying hydrated as they contain 92 percent water. They even contain all kinds of vitamins that promote good eyesight, making it a perfect drink for those who live in front of a computer screen.
Plus, strawberries contain powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, which prevent inflammation, fight aging, and help you maintain gorgeous and radiant skin.

  1. Put slightly crushed ripe strawberries in a mason jar.
  2. Lightly crush some sage leaves in your hand and place them in the jar.
  3. Add some ice cubes directly into the jar.
  4. Top the ice cubes with filtered water.
  5. Put the lid on the jar and place it in the refrigerator for at least 2 to 3 hours.
  6. Enjoy the strawberry-infused water whenever you please.
Not only is this infused water delicious, but it also becomes slightly pink, which makes it even beautiful to look at.

8. Cinnamon

To add flavor to plain water, you can also use a spice such as cinnamon. This spice has a nice fragrance and a sweet, warm taste, which brings a nice earthy and sophisticated flavor to water.
Cinnamon is a rich source of powerful antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-clotting properties, thus offering immense health benefits. It also has minerals like calcium, manganese, iron and dietary fiber.
One of the healthiest spices on the planet, cinnamon can lower blood sugar levels, reduce heart disease risk, aid weight loss, prevent cancer, boost brain power and provide a plethora of other impressive health benefits.
Cinnamon-infused water is an unusually refreshing beverage that is very easy to make at home.
  • Simply drop a cinnamon stick in a pitcher of water and put it in the refrigerator to chill overnight. The water will have a subtle flavor, as well as a nice blush color.
  • Another option is to simmer cinnamon sticks in a pot of water for 10 minutes. Use 1 cinnamon stick per 1 cup of water. Let the solution cool, then keep it in the refrigerator. Add this concentrated solution to cold water as needed.

    9. Blueberries

    The juicy texture and mouthwatering taste of blueberries make them a perfect ingredient to make infused water. The rich color of blueberries also gives a nice color to this infused water.
    Plus, despite being small in size, blueberries are packed with nutrients for optimum health and wellness. This highest antioxidant-value fruit is loaded with vitamins C, A and E, along with riboflavin, folate, fiber, niacin, magnesium, potassium, manganese, copper, iron and zinc.
    This antioxidant-rich fruit combats aging, boosts brain power, fights cancer, promotes heart health, aids weight loss and much more
  1. Add 2 cups of slightly crushed blueberries to a pitcher of water.
  2. Add a handful of edible rose petals or lavender flowers to the pitcher.
  3. Cover the pitcher and put it in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.
  4. Strain, add crushed ice and pour this infused water into a tall glass and drink it.

10. Kiwi

This often-overlooked fruit is far more hydrating than you can imagine. Kiwis add a cool, refreshing burst to plain boring water. Plus, the bright green flesh of kiwi decked with tiny black seeds adds a dramatic flair to infused water.
This small fruit is a treasure of nutritional surprises. It is an excellent source of vitamin C as well as vitamins A, E and K. The minerals found in this fruit include calcium, magnesium and phosphorous.
It gives a boost to the immune system, reduces stress, fights aging, promotes wound healing, increases iron absorption for healthy bones, lowers cholesterol and helps protect against cancer-causing cell damage. It even helps flush the toxins out of your colon.
  1. Peel a fresh kiwi with a knife and cut it into thin slices.
  2. Put the slices and a few fresh mint leaves in a pitcher.
  3. Fill the pitcher to one-third of its volume with ice cubes.
  4. Pour in water to fill the rest of the pitcher.
  5. Put it in the refrigerator for 2 hours, then enjoy your refreshing drink.




10 Surprising Things About Nipples and Breasts

Both men and women have nipples, but it is women’s breasts and nipples that have always been a focus of discussion, fashion, sexual attraction and health.
The main purpose of a woman’s nipples is to breastfeed infants the milk produced in the female mammary glands during lactation. In men, despite having mammary glands, the nipples have no breastfeeding function.
Now, aside from lactating, women’s breasts have been a focus of fashion, sexual attraction and health since the beginning of time. However, there are many interesting things about breasts and nipples that many people are not even aware of.

Here are 10 surprising things you didn’t know about your nipples and breasts.

1. You can have More Than Two Nipples

It is very true that one can have more than two nipples. In medical terms, it is known as supernumerary nipples or extra nipples. They can grow on places other than the breasts and may even develop breast tissue.
Supernumerary nipples are considered a common congenital abnormality of the breasts and can occur in both males and females. An additional nipple begins to form when the regular nipple formation process is incomplete and the tissue doesn’t fully regress.
This type of nipple usually develops along “milk lines”. These lines start in the armpit on each side of the body, run through the normal nipples on the breasts and down to the sides of the groin.
Often mistaken for moles, extra nipples are diagnosed in approximately one in 18 people. In a 2012 case study published in the Indian Journal of Human Genetics, a 32-year-old man was found to have seven nipples, becoming the second person in history with so many nipples.
Apart from the chest, such nipples can develop on other areas of the body, even the feet. Supernumerary nipples do not cause problems and do not need to be removed.

2. Nipple Hair is Normal

Not every woman has nipple hair, but it is very normal if you do.
The areas around the nipples, or the areolas, have hair follicles just like any other skin area. Usually women do not have hair on their chest, unlike many men, but at times some women develop a few long hairs around the nipples.
Hormonal fluctuations in the body that accompany puberty, pregnancy or menopause can cause a few strands to grow around the nipples. Certain medications can also cause excessive hair growth.
If you notice more than just a few hair strands popping up, consult a doctor as it may indicate hirsutism, a condition that causes excessive, coarse body hair in women. It can even be linked to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
If you are embarrassed about hairs around your nipples and prefer to have them removed, pulling them out with tweezers or cutting them with scissors are temporary solutions. However, do not shave the hairs or use a wax treatment, as these methods may damage the sensitive skin around your nipples.

3. Everyone Develops Nipples in the Womb

You may wonder why men have nipples on their chest, since they do not need them for breastfeeding.
It is mainly because, despite whether you’re male or female, all embryos begin developing identically in the womb.
In fact, for the first several weeks, a developing embryo follows a “female blueprint,” from reproductive organs to nipples. After 60 days of embryonic development, the hormone testosterone kicks in, resulting in changes in the genetic activity of cells in the genitals and the brain. This is when embryos change into male and female genders.
Testosterone causes the male embryo to secrete factors that block the development of female ducts and structures and also influences other sex-specific traits in the body.
However, the previous developments in the womb remain intact, leading to flat breasts and nipples in men.

4. Only Humans have Permanent Breasts

Whether you want to believe or not, humans or Homo sapiens are the only primates with permanently enlarged breasts. No other species or primates share this trait.
In the rest of the primates, plump breasts last only during the breastfeeding phase.
The main reason behind permanent larger breasts in human females is not related to pregnancy or lactation. In fact, it denotes a woman’s ability to store fat and her fertility. Breasts become plump only after a female reaches puberty.
Remember, a woman’s breasts are only filled with milk after delivering a baby, and rest of the time they are mostly made up of fat.

5. Nipples Leak Fluid

Women may have leakage of fluid from the nipples, even when they are not pregnant or breastfeeding. This nipple discharge is common in women and nothing to worry about.
The discharge can be clear, cloudy, or whitish and its consistency can vary from thick and sticky to thin and watery. The discharge mostly occurs when the nipples are compressed or squeezed.
Apart from pregnancy and breastfeeding, other common causes of nipple discharge are stopping breastfeeding and when nipples are repeatedly chafed by your bra or during vigorous physical exercise, such as jogging.
For women, if you have bloody nipple discharge, consult a doctor immediately. In men, nipple discharge under any circumstances should be evaluated by a doctor.

6. Nipples are Not Mirror Images

No two nipples or breasts are alike, even when they are on the same chest. In fact, the two nipples on your body will not be mirror images of each other and this is normal.
Whether it is noticeable or not, often the left breast is slightly bigger than the right breast. In medical terms, this slight variation in shape is known as asymmetry.
Asymmetry of the breasts may be more pronounced when the breasts are developing, but it usually improves by full maturity.
In normal circumstances, the variation is not even noticeable. However, previous trauma, injury or infection can lead to more noticeable differences between your breast sizes.
An augmentation or reduction surgical procedure may be performed to make the breasts more symmetrical, but only after puberty.

7. Plastic Surgery Reduces Nipple Sensation

Any kind of surgery on the breasts can reduce some or all of the sensation in your nipples.
Women considering breast augmentation or reduction to change their breast size should be aware that the surgical procedures can lead to a loss of sensation in the nipples.
Breast enlargements can lead to decreased sensation in a small majority of cases. Breast uplifts and breast reductions are also likely to cause alterations in nipple sensitivity.
A 2006 study by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons found that the bigger the breast implant, the more likely the patient is to report a loss of sensation. This type of sensation loss can be present years after the surgery, although women still experience normal arousal and sensuality.
Before opting for any surgery on your breasts, always bear in mind that it can affect the sensation in your nipples. Also, for such surgeries, always choose an expert in this field.

8. Breasts Change All Through the Month

Your breasts change in size all the time during the menstrual cycle. For some, these changes are so pronounced that you may have to wear a bra as much as a cup-size larger at certain points in the monthly cycle.
The changes in size are mainly due to fluctuations in hormone levels during your menstrual cycle. Along with changes in size, you may even experience mild swelling, pain and tenderness of the breasts just before your periods start each month.
These symptoms may also occur during ovulation.
For pregnant women, your breasts may show pregnancy signs even before your stomach does. In the first trimester, healthy breasts become extremely tender and start growing. This is because the body starts preparing the breasts for breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding is something every mother should practice, as it protects babies from illness and encourages bonding between a mother and her child.

9. Some Nipples Point Inward

In some women and men, nipples may point inward instead of outward. This is known as “inverted nipples”. It is normal and not a matter of concern.
About 10 to 20 percent of women are born with this condition, which is caused by short ducts or a wide areola muscle sphincter. Other common causes of nipple inversion include breastfeeding, some kind of trauma, sagging due to age, breast infections or inflammation, and even pregnancy.
If you have inverted nipples, it’s important to keep them clean to avoid getting an infection in the folds of the skin around the nipples

10. Erect Nipples Do Not Always Signal Sexual Arousal

Erect nipples always draw our attention, and people often see them as an indication that a woman is sexually aroused.
It’s true that sexual arousal and even orgasm brought on by nipple stimulation can lead to erect nipples. In fact, nipple and genital stimulation are processed the same way in a woman’s brain. This is why some women get turned on and reach orgasm through nipple stimulation.
This does not mean that a woman is sexually aroused every time she has erect nipples.
Nipple erection also occurs due to the contraction of smooth muscles under the control of the autonomic nervous system, which also causes goose bumps.
Sudden changes in temperature, some kind of shock, breastfeeding and clothing rubbing against the nipples can also cause them to become erect.


10 Easy Exercises For Strengthen Your Hips

While not everyone can have those supple hips like Shakira, you can all benefit from working on and strengthening muscles that support those agile hips.
Although often ignored and uncared for, your hips are the fulcrum point for all the movements in your lower body. Sitting at work or home for most of the day leads to tight hip flexors that causes troubles like hip pain, lower back pain and injury.
Moreover, weak hips can lead to an antalgic gait, causing knee, ankle or foot injuries that can leave you resting in bed for days or months at a stretch.

Here are some great hip flexor exercises that will help strengthen your hips and improve flexibility.

1. Bridging

This exercise works on your hamstrings, hip flexors, quadriceps, lower back and glutes, for strengthening and reducing pain.
  1. Lie down on your back.
  2. Bend your legs and bring your feet in toward your bottom.
  3. Slowly, pushing through your feet, lift your bottom.
  4. Make sure your hips are in line with your shoulders and knees.
  5. As you do this, tighten your glutes and hamstrings.
  6. Hold for 2 seconds and slowly sink your bottom to the ground.
  7. Repeat 10 to 20 times daily for effective results.


2. Lying Lateral Leg Raise

Lying lateral leg raises help strengthen and develop your iliotibial bands that are responsible for your side-to-side leg motions. This exercise works on your gluteus maximus, gluteus minimus, obliques, hamstrings and quadriceps.
  1. Lie on your right side.
  2. Extend your right arm out for balance.
  3. Lift your left leg up as far as you can, keeping it straight while you lift it.
  4. Slowly, bring your leg back down so that it is in line with the right leg.
  5. Complete 15 repetitions with that leg.
  6. Roll over to the other side and repeat with your right leg.
  7. Practice this every other day to get rid of hip pain.                                                                        

    3. Lying Leg Circles

    Lying leg circles work on your gluteal muscles and hip flexors to promote flexibility, strength and range of motion in all the muscles that make hip and leg rotation possible.
  8. Lie down on your back.
  9. Extend your legs straight out.
  10. Elevate your left leg to about 3 inches off the ground.
  11. Make small circles, keeping your whole leg straight and aligned.
  12. Switch to the other leg and repeat the process.
  13. Perform 3 sets of 5 rotations on each leg, for 15 total reps on each leg daily.
Eventually, as you practice the exercise daily, you may raise your leg higher.

4. Single-Leg Squat

Also known as pistol squats, single-leg squats are a great exercise that work primarily on increasing the resilience in your legs. It targets your glutes, hips and quad muscles to improve your balance and stability.
  1. Extend both arms out in front of you, and interlock your fingers.
  2. Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart, firmly planted on the ground with your toes pointing forward.
  3. Extend one leg out in front of you. (Make sure you do not bend the knee.) Do not let this leg or foot touch the ground.
  4. Lower your body by sitting back and bending the knee of your other leg (as if sitting in a chair).
  5. Squat down as low as you can.
  6. Hold this position for 20 seconds.
  7. Press down on your foot and slowly stand up.
  8. Repeat 15 sets on each leg daily.
You may increase the number of sets gradually as you acquire strength.

5. Seated Butterfly Stretch

The butterfly stretch primarily works on your hips, inner thighs and lower back to increase flexibility and strengthen muscles.
  1. Sit on the floor, knees bent to the sides, soles of your feet in front of you, back straight and your hands on top of your feet.
  2. Engage your abdominal muscles to stabilize your spine.
  3. Exhale and gently pull your heels toward you.
  4. Simultaneously relax your knees toward the floor, as far as you can.
  5. Breathe deeply and hold for 20 to 30 seconds.
  6. Finish with leaning forward from your upper body. (Make sure you keep your back straight and push your knees toward the floor, as much as you can.)
  7. Initially, practice this 15 to 20 times every day. As you acquire strength and flexibility, you may increase the number of sets performed.


6. The Clam


The clamshell exercise works on balancing the muscular effort between your pelvic floor and your inner and outer thighs, thus strengthening your hips and lower body. It primarily aims at your gluteus medius, a muscle in your hip abductors.
As the name suggests, think of a clamshell opening as you do the exercise. Your glute should do all the work, so keep the rest of your body completely still as you lift and lower your leg.
  1. Lie on your side.
  2. Bend your knees at 90 degrees.
  3. Bring your heels together and in line with your bottom.
  4. Without rotating your back or pelvis, lift your leg to open your knees as far as you can.
  5. Hold for 15 seconds.
  6. Return to the resting position.
  7. Repeat 15 times on each side for stronger hips.

    7. Pigeon Pose

    The pigeon pose is an effective exercise that helps reduce stress and tension in the hip region, thus improving flexibility. It works on your groin and hip flexor muscles and opens up your hip rotator muscles (gluteus medius & minimus).
  8. Begin in a plank position.
  9. Lift and sit with your right knee bent forward.
  10. Inch your right foot away from your body.
  11. Extend your left leg straight behind your body, as far as you can.
  12. Keeping your hips square, lower yourself to the floor bringing your upper body as close to the floor as possible.
  13. Hold the position for 5 breaths.
  14. Repeat on the other side.
  15. Practice 10 sets on each leg daily.

8. Marching Glute Bridge

Marching glute bridges help stabilize your pelvis, while working on your glutes, hamstrings and spinal muscles in the lower back.
  1. Lie down on your back.
  2. Bend your legs and bring your feet in close toward your bottom.
  3. Slowly, pushing through your feet, lift your bottom.
  4. Make sure your hips are in line with your shoulders and knees.
  5. As you do this, tighten your glutes and hamstrings.
  6. Slowly lift one knee toward your chest until your hip is at 90 degrees. Do not let your back sag or overarch.
  7. Return your foot to the floor and lift the other knee.
  8. Repeat 10 to 20 times every day. As you gain perfection, you may increase the count as per your capacity.

    9. The Hip Drop/Step Up



The step-up is one of the best exercises for your hips and legs.
If you do not have a stepper at home, you may practice by climbing up and down the stairs.
  1. Place one foot on a sturdy box.
  2. Step with your weight placed on the center of your foot.
  3. Push your hips back and then stand straight up.
  4. Hold this position while keeping your body tall and your hips and shoulders square.
  5. Push your hips back again.
  6. Slowly lower your trailing foot to the floor.
  7. Repeat with the other leg.
  8. Practice 10 sets on each leg every day.
Once you’ve perfected this pattern, you can perform this exercise while holding a pair of dumbbells in your hands.

10. Lying Hip Extension

The lying hip extension, or reverse straight leg raise, is an effective exercise for strengthening your glutes and hamstring muscles.
  1. Lie down on your stomach.
  2. Keep your knees straight.
  3. Slowly lift your leg with your bottom muscles.
  4. Make sure your legs and knee are straight.
  5. Hold for 2 seconds and release.
  6. Repeat 10 times daily on each leg.




Friday 16 September 2016

Top 10 Incredibly Advanced Jet Fighters

Often we receive many questions which is the best fighter aircraft in the world. Which is the greatest modern fighter and why. Our Top 10 analysis is based on the combined score of stealthiness, armament, speed, range, maneuverability and technology. We also considered pilot opinion on capabilities of various warplanes during dog-fight training. All of these aircraft mentioned here are incredibly powerful and devastating, however none of them have seen combat against each other during military operations yet. Our analysis is based on specifications, available data and technical comparison. Pilot training is also important, as performance of the actual aircraft depends from the pilot performance. This list do not contains aircraft that are currently under development of at the prototype stage. It includes only operational warplanes.
   Currently top 10 fighter aircraft in the world are these:

1. F-22 Raptor (US)


Top of the range fighter jets in the world to lead the pack is the F-22 Raptor. This ultimate state of the art weapon was designed and manufactured for the US Air Force. It bears the following features:
  • Max speed: Mach 2.25 or 2,410km/hr at altitude; Mach 1.82 or 1,963km/hr at supercruise
  • Combat radius: 759km or 410nmi
  • Service ceiling: 19,812m or 65,000ft
  • Ferry range: 3,219km or 1,738nmi
  • Wing loading: 375kg/m2
  • Thrust: 1.08
    • 1.26 with 50% fuel and loaded weight

    2. Euro-fighter Typhoon (Germany, UK, Italy and Spain)


The list would not have been complete without the Europeans in the skies. The Euro-fighter at second among the best fighter jets in the world has the following features:
  • Max speed: Mach 2+ or 2,495km/hr at altitude; Mach 1.2 or 1,470km/hr at low altitude; Mach 1.1 at supercruise
  • Combat radius:
    • Low-low-low ground attack: 601km
    • High-low-high ground attack: 1,389km
  • Range is 2,900km
  • Ferry range: 2,300mi or 3,790km
  • Rate of climb: 62,000ft/min or 315m/s
  • Service ceiling: 65,000ft or 19,810m
  • Wing loading is 63lb/ft2 or 307kg/m2                       

  • 3. Su 35 (Russia)


    At third place is the Russian-made Su-35 with the following specifications:
  • Max speed at altitude: 2,410km/h or Mach 2.25
  • Ferry range: 2,430nmi or 4,500km
  • Range is 3,600km or 1,580km at low altitude
  • Service ceiling: 59,100ft or 18,000m
  • Wing loading: 84.9lb/ft2
  • Rate of climb: 55,100ft/min
    • Thrust: 1.14

    4. F-15 Eagle (USA)


    The F-15 fighter jet boasts the following features:
  • Max speed: Mach 2.5+ or 2,660+km/hr at high altitude and Mach 1.2 or 1,450 at low altitude
  • Ferry range: 5,550km with an additional three fuel tanks to the conformal tanks.
  • Combat radius: 1,967km for interdiction operations
  • Service ceiling: 20,000m or 65,000ft
  • Wing loading: 358kg/m2
  • Rate of climb: 254m/s
  • Thrust:1.30

5. Su 27 (Russia)

Another Soviet product at 5, the Su-27 has the following features:
  • Max speed at altitude: Mach 2.35 or 2,500km/hr
  • Range at altitude: 3,530km; at sea level 1,340km
  • Rate of climb: 64,000ft/min or 300m/s
  • Service ceiling: 62,523ft or 18,500m
  • Wing loading is 371kg/m2
  • Thrust: 1.09

6. Mig 35 (Russia)


 In at 6 among the best fighter jets in the world is the Russian made Mig-35.
  • Max speed at altitude: Mach 2.25 or 2,400km/hr
  • Range: 1,240mi or 2,000km
  • Service ceiling: 57,400ft or 17,500m
  • Ferry range: 1,930mi or 3,100km carrying 3 fuel tanks
  • Rate of climb: 65,000ft/min or 330m/s
  • Thrust is 1.03


7. F-16 E (USA)


The F-16 comes in at 7 with the following specifications:
  • Max speed at low altitude is Mach 1.2 or 1,470km/hr and at high altitude is Mach 2+ or 2,414km/hr
  • Combat radius: 550km or 295nm on a high-low-high mission and 450kg bomb load
  • Service ceiling: 18,000+m or 60,000+ft
  • Ferry range: 4,220km or 2,280nm
  • Rate of climb: 254m/s
  • Thrust: 1.095
  • Wing loading: 430kg/m2

    8. Rafale (France)

    The French Rafale comes in at 8 with the following features:
  • Max speed: Mach 2 or 1,290 knots are high altitude and 750 knots or 1,390km/hr at low altitude.
  • Combat radius is 1,852+km or 1,000+nmi during penetration missions
  • It has a range of 3,700km or 2,000nmi
  • Service ceiling is  16,800m or 55,000ft
  • Wing loading is 326kg/m2
  • Thrust is 1.13

9. J-10 (China)

The J-10 from China makes part of the leading fighter jets in the world. It has the following features:
  • Max speed of Mach 1.2 at sea level and Mach 1.9 cruising at altitude
  • Combat radius of 2,540km or 1,370nmi on high-low-high missions  and 1,310km or 710nmi on low-low-low missions (these figures include 4,000lb or 1,814kg of two missiles and bomb load)
  • Max range: 3,400km or 2,113mi without refueling
  • Wing loading is 335 kg/m2
  • Service ceiling is 18,000m or 59,055ft

10. F-18 (USA)

The F-18 Super Hornet designed and manufactured by the US has the following features:
  • Max speed: 1,190 mph or 1,900km/hr at an altitude of 40,000 ft or 12,190 m
  • It has a range of 1,275 nmi or 2,346 km without refueling
  • Has a ferry range of 2,070 mi or 3,330 km
  • Has a combat radius of 449 mi or 722 km in interdiction missions
  • Service ceiling is 50,000+ft or 15,000+m
  • Thrust is 0.93
  • Wing loading is 453kg/m2

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Ultimate Way To Get Cheap Hotel Rooms

Here are nine tips, from Boxx, English and other seasoned travelers, for navigating hotel charges and finding bargains.

1. Abandon nostalgia. Forget about in-room coffee makers. Even in a 5-star hotel, you may need to pay for your morning Joe. Those cute little soaps and shampoos that everyone likes to take home are going down the drain, too. Hotels have figured out it’s cheaper to use wall dispensers.
Boxx recalls an experience at the Ritz Carlton in Washington, D.C. during the 1980s that would be hard to duplicate today. The desk clerk, who heard her sniffling the morning after she arrived, asked, “Miss Boxx, are you not feeling well?” She was impressed that he remembered her name from when she checked in the night before. But the personal touch didn’t end there. “Would you like the bellman to go to the drugstore for you? What is your preferred cold medication?” Not only did he deliver what she asked for, but there was no charge.
2. Compare prices online. Expedia, Kayak (an aggregator of other search engines), Orbitz, Priceline (an auction style site that allows you to name the price you are willing to pay) and Travelocity are just a few of the places to start your search.  If Internet access is key, check out HotelChatter, which rates the quality of access in thousands of hotels around the globe.
Web sites don’t always list the tacked on fees and regulatory surcharges. Call the hotel and ask before you book, or your bargain may be a bust.
3. Be flexible about travel dates. You will get the best bargains this way. Google Hotel Finder will tell you the best time to stay at a destination. Or you can input parameters including your budget, desired travel dates, and geographic limits using various filters, and it will give you a list of destinations to consider.
4. Budget for amenities. If you got a screaming deal on the room, be prepared to pay for the extras. Your request for what has historically been standard with a room may, without warning, end up as an additional cost on your bill.
Resorts may charge additional resort fees to cover nothing in particular. Then expect to pay extra for a cabana or a beach umbrella.
Other extra charges that are showing up on hotel bills include use of the workout facilities, the pool, or even an ironing board. You may also have to pay for: using the business center for anything more than printing a boarding pass; Internet access ($30 a day at the Ritz on top of the pricey room fee); mandatory valet parking; or calling even an 800 number. And don’t expect a free newspaper with that $5 cup of coffee in the morning ($13 for a pot at the Heathman in Portland, Ore.).
5. Search for hidden discounts. If you are you a member of AARP, AAA, a professional group such as the American Bar Association or the American Medical Association, you may be entitled to a discount. You can also search the Internet for discount codes on sites like, Retail Me Not, or Coupon Heaven.
Hotel web sites advertise packages and deals. If you like a particular chain, sign up for its e-newsletter with the latest information on discounts and package deals. The Ritz Carlton in Chicago American Girl Doll Suite package includes a doll bed with its own turndown service, and cookies for your child as well as the doll. In my experience, the room isn’t the nicest, but it can make a little travel companion happy and the room is $20 less than the price of a regular room with a king size bed.
6. Consider less expensive hotels. Ironically, they tend to provide more for less, even in the same chain. For example, Hampton Inn and Embassy Suites typically provide breakfast, Internet and free local calls. Their more expensive sister chains–Hilton, Waldorf Astoria and Conrad–all charge for these privileges. The same is true of the Fairfield Inn by Marriott, which offers fee Internet, breakfast, coffee and newspaper, unlike its pricier relatives, The Ritz Carlton, JW Marriott, and the Bulgari Hotels and Resorts.
7. Join a loyalty program. With this investment of a few minutes, you can reap continuing dividends. At the Fairmont President’s Club and the Kimpton InTouch loyalty program, members get free Internet. The same is true for the Omni and the Wyndham hotels. The more points you accrue, the more freebies and upgrades you are entitled to. Travel Zoo keeps an updated list of popular loyalty clubs and their perks.
8. Don’t hesitate to negotiate. Hotels with vacancies are often willing to negotiate to fill a room. Don’t be afraid to ask for a free breakfast, Internet, parking or use of the workout facilities. Hotel managers would rather make a little less on an occupied room than leave it empty for a night.
9. Look for packages. You may get a better deal with a package, even if you don’t need or want all of the components, says English, who travels on business almost two dozen times a year, and is a devoted Orbitz fan. He rarely needs or uses the free parking, round of golf or the hotel breakfast they offer, but still comes out ahead.

Make Your Body Shape In A Month

 You'’re training hard every day with your program, going heavy on the weights and sweating up a storm with cardio. Newsflash: While that'’s critical to your ultimate success, that'’s just not enough for you to lose the fat you want to.

To reach your get-lean goal, you must also follow a get-lean diet. Why? Even if you work out hard for an hour every day, that still leaves 23 more hours for you to wreck all your hard work in the gym with just one slip-up: a measly handful of chips, a beer with the guys or a burger at lunch. Diet is a huge, so to speak, part of the fat-loss equation. It's the backbone of your entire plan, the foundation of a hard body.

Bodybuilding nutrition consultant Jim Juge says nutrition determines your success or failure, plain and simple. "The diet is 65% of what you need to get in shape,"” he says. Juge would know, as he'’s helped countless dedicated people reach their goals, from achieving their best body ever to placing first in bodybuilding competitions.

You've got 28 days to get to your goal, so we've recruited Juge to help you every step of the way. He'’s adapted a traditional bodybuilding competitor's diet for a non-competitor (that means you!) who wants to look his best, shedding as much fat as possible in a very short time. With just under a month, there'’s no time to fool around, so commit today! Go to the grocery store and stock up tonight. Come breakfast time tomorrow, follow his plan as strictly as you can and get ready to show off those impressive muscles in a month.

Here are his three simple principles to shed fat fast.
  1. Eat at least 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight, daily. If your protein intake is too low on a restricted-calorie diet, you'll lose a lot of muscle in addition to any fat you'’re lucky enough to shed. A high protein intake will help you preserve lean mass during your dieting phase. Choose lean high-quality proteins like egg whites, poultry, lean red meat and protein supplements. The diet provided here contains about 220-–250 grams of protein daily, fine for a male weighing 200-250 pounds. Up your protein only if you'’re heavier than 250 pounds, or you're very hungry and need to add food during the day. Juge suggests an additional protein shake for an easy quick fix. (If you'’re under 180 pounds, cut out 3 ounces of meat or chicken per day from the diet.)
  2. Keep your carbohydrates low to moderate when trying to lose weight. "“On a low day you'’ll have closer to 100 grams of carbs,"” he says. "“A moderate day is about 150 grams of carbs." Juge prefers to rotate low and moderate days in order to keep energy high and provide a change of pace. Good, clean, fiber-rich carbs include oats, potatoes, rice and whole-grain bread.
  3. Drink at least a gallon of water per day. It'’ll keep you hydrated and healthy. Water should be your primary beverage during dieting. Though many rely on diet sodas, Crystal Light and other low-calorie sweetened drinks, plain old water is really your best bet.